UCSI University Welcomed New Students with Orientation Carnival

KUALA LUMPUR: It was a busy morning at UCSI University’s Dewan Tan Sri Ahmad Razali (DeTSAR) as it welcomed over 1,000 new students for the May 2013 semester intake. 

Adding to the general merriment, were the numerous booths from the various clubs and associations that filled the hall. In line with its theme “Carnival”, the booths were colourfully decorated and manned by friendly representatives. This was organised by the Student Affairs & Alumni Division with the help of the student facilitators. 

The day began with a welcome address by the President of the Student Council, Joey Ong. Sharing his own experience as a freshman at UCSI University, Joey gave words of encouragement to the new comers. He also recommended that they be actively involved in extra-curricular activities at the university by joining the many student clubs and associations. 

After the welcoming speech, the ice-breaking activities began. Starting with a game of ‘Simon Says’, followed by the ‘Telephone Game’ and the “Burger Game’ - where students were divided into several groups according to their gender and fashion style to create a perfect “Human Burger” – the games induced much laughter and sparked a growing a sense of camaraderie among the students. 

As he congratulated the new students on embarking on their next phase in growing up, he also pointed out the importance of learning – not only academically, but also about life. 

“Along the way, you will surely encounter challenges and hardships; and opportunities and choices in your journey as a student,” he said. 

“In the coming days, you will be introduced to various student support channels under the University’s Student Affairs Division. I hope that these will not only help smoothen your transition into university life but will also provide the opportunity for you to widen your circle of friends as well.” 

He added that the doors of lecturers, professors, and also that of the Vice Chancellor are always open to help students in need of guidance. 

Students and parents were then entertained with a musical performance by UCSI University’s very own Contemporary Band from the School of Music. The band, for the very first time, gave the debut performance of the new UCSI University’s anthem entitled “Be that Eagle”. 

The song, written by student, Grace Foo of the School of Music, was the winning entry of the recent UCSI University Song Competition. 

The myriad of activities and welcoming atmosphere of the orientation clearly made an impression on the new students. 

“UCSI has a very good environment and I really like how the University welcomes us to its family,” said Casey Sam, a student who enrolled for the Diploma in Interior Architecture programme. 

For Victor Thong, from the Diploma in Management programme, the variety of booths made an impact to him. 

“The booths are really interesting. I can join the many clubs they have and meet new friends.” Based on the enthusiastic response from the new students, the Orientation Day was clearly a day full of fun The Orientation Day officially ended at 5.00pm.

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