Kuala Lumpur, 02 November 2010 - Members of UCSI University’s Hope Revive Club are reaching out to those less fortunate. About 40 members of the student group visited shelter home Rumah Titian Kasih in October to volunteer. The shelter, located in Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, takes in single mothers, abandoned and abused children and the disabled. 

“As citizens, we should remind ourselves always to be conscious of our social responsibility,” Hope Revive Club Organising Chairperson Ms. Nur Syahira Atiqa said. “(Volunteering) was really an enjoyable and memorable experience. It really helps me to have a basic view on the other side of the story of our community.”

The mission of Hope Revive is to promote a caring society, moral values, civic-mindedness, character-building and self-confidence. During the trip, volunteers played with the children and cleaned two of the shelter’s homes. 

Ruman Titian Kasih Founder Pn. Hajjah Sharifah Adlan said she was grateful for the volunteers. 

“A sincere and pure love is important to the children. Sometimes, it is not the material things that matter, but a pure and sincere love,” she said. “A pure simple smile can be the best and precious gift of the day for the kids.”

Those that took part in the trip said they found the experiencing fulfilling. 

UCSI University A-Level Academy Lecturer Mr. Derek Wong accompanied students on the trip and said helping others matters to him. 

“It is important to let those less fortunate know society still cares for them,” he said. “This trip reminded me the importance of our role in social welfare and for the betterment of society.” 

Hope Revive Club President Choong Yin Leng said the trip helps expose students to the experiences of others in the community. 

“It is important to not just be in our own comfort zones and ignore our surrounding society,” she said. “Sometimes it is good to be more aware on the happenings around us.” 

Giving back to society is a vital part of UCSI University’s mission. As part of its Graduate Attributes, all students are expected to leave the University with a sense of Ethical and Civic Responsibility and the skills to become an Engaged Global Citizen.

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