Kuala Lumpur, 12 July 2008 - Two teams from UCSI won the Gold and Bronze awards at the Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications (CITISIA). Steven Leong, Goh Yong Hoe and Wong Ying Qian won the first prize with their invention – ‘the Drying Revolver (Dryver)’ while Mimi Iriana, Tan Aik Chun and Yeap Khai On won third place for their unique invention, the ‘Modular LED Dot Matrix Display System (Modulex)’. 

Dryver is a device used to dry clothes, with the optional use of cooling fans for more delicate materials, or a heated bulb, that emits enough heat to dry clothes in under 3 hours. The device conserves energy and runs at only 103 watts. A recent study by the team reveals that, 81% out of the 100 consumers interviewed would buy the invention at the RM18 per unit set by the students. The same invention won fourth prize at the annual Intellectual Property Awards recently. “This time, we came up with a better presentation of the device, which included the consumer survey. I feel that is why we won the first prize this time around.” Wong Ying Qian explains. 

The bronze award-winning invention, the Modulex, is slightly similar to a popular children’s toy. “It was inspired by LEGO,” said Yeap Khai On. The LED display could easily be detached and attached to any number of pieces one wants, making light text display an easy device for the consumer level. The text on the Modulex could be easily keyed in using a keyboard without complicated programming unlike most of the current available LED display machines that are in the market. “The simple plug and play invention has the potential to become a popular consumer product.” Mimi says. Since its inception 6 months ago, the team has regularly stayed up late to perfect the invention “We plan to value-add other features so that we could go on to win the next competition we enter.” Team leader Yeap Khai On adds. The same team of students also won the first prize in the Intellectual Property Awards for another invention of theirs, DiM (Distance Monitoring System) that keeps track of children. 

For Yeap Khai On, like any of his fellow final year students from the School of Engineering, it is his final year project. Senior lecturer, Mr. Rodney Tan commented “Although I may have provided them the menu, the students are ultimately the cooks, and deserve the recognition.” 

CITISIA is a student conference aimed at providing undergraduates and postgraduates a channel to present their own projects and for the industry and international organizations to recognize their professional and technical achievements. The conference also provides students and researchers the opportunity to explore recent development, current practices and future trends in innovative technologies for Intelligent System and Industrial Applications.

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