Exclusive session at UCSI brings together industry experts

KUALA LUMPUR: Prominent industry leaders – such as Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) senior manager (Talent Division) Mr Nik Naharudin Mohd Nasir and IT Asia head and Hilti Asia IT Services Sdn. Bhd. managing director Dr Christoph Baeck – helmed an exclusive session at UCSI University (UCSI). 

At this event, speakers highlighted various IT-related topics including the importance of technopreneurship; how technopreneurship can move the nation closer towards achieving a more developed economy; and value creation for corporations utilising IT, among other pertinent issues in the technology entrepreneurship landscape. 

The session was part of the official launching ceremony of UCSI’s School of IT’s new MSc Technopreneurship programme – one that has been specifically designed for aspiring technopreneurs. 

Lauding the School’s reputation for strong tie-ups with the industry, UCSI deputy vice-chancellor (Academic Affairs & Research) Prof. Emeritus Dr. Lim Koon Ong said that the programme provided an ideal platform for learners to further develop their entrepreneurial mindset and to tap into the vast knowledge of industry leaders. 

“At our University, we believe in transformative education that is multidisciplinary and inclusive, and this programme is no exception,” he said, adding that UCSI University was the first private Malaysian Institute of Higher Learning to offer the Master of Science in Technopreneurship. 

He also acknowledged entrepreneurs as a driving force in economic development, not only as key contributors to technological innovation but also in job creation. 

“The government has expressed its determination to cultivate and nurture more youths to become entrepreneurs. Therefore, the onus falls on universities to collaborate with the industry to make this happen.” 

Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) talent head Mr Muhammad Imran Kunalan Abdullah echoed Prof. Emeritus Dr. Lim’s sentiment, emphasising the need to strengthen technopreneurial skill development among local universities and colleges. 

“Local Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have started to incorporate technopreneurship-related subjects and courses into their undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Needless to say, the next challenge is to create comprehensive, hands-on technopreneurship programmes at HEIs.” 

“I am glad to note that UCSI University – a praxis university that emphasises the hands-on approach – is offering this programme for postgraduate (learners),” he commented, adding that the launch was an important milestone in the higher education landscape as it facilitates the country’s vision of becoming a higher income nation by 2020 by increasing the pool of technopreneur talents on the local front. 

Mr Nik Naharudin, who read the speech on behalf of Mr Muhammad Imran, also pledged that MDeC would give its full cooperation and commitment to support the programme to ensure that it became “a clear landmark for the country”. 

It is worthy to note that industry learning is an integral part of the programme, which will draw on the expertise of adjunct professors and industry players in renowned multinational corporations such as Intel, Maybank and Hilti. 

From a corporate perspective, Dr Christoph Baeck agreed that the programme would be beneficial for those who want to establish their own business as well as those who seek employment in IT companies. 

“This programme helps (learners) develop the necessary soft skills (and I believe that) universities play an important role here,” he said. 

“I like the content of this programme very much because we can see the integration of the industry. The programme (also takes into account) the needs of the industry and places much emphasis on decision-making within a company. That is why we are so happy with it.”

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