How our cultural values influence mobile shopping

Professor Dr June Wei, having studied in China and the US, brings about a fresh perspective that is reflective of her experience and expertise.

Her ability to relate to both cultures puts her at an indisputable advantage when it comes to analysing the similarities and differences between the two. Her recent talk on the effects of cultural values on mobile technology usage brought this to the surface.   

Her talk was titled “Investigating the Effects of Espoused Cultural Values on Mobile Shopping Continuance” held on 28 March 2018 at UCSI University. She explained how the espoused values of masculine or femininity, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, individualism or collectivism and long- or short-term orientation all play a part in mobile shopping continuance.

Her study indicated that the espoused cultural value of individualism and collectivism has a strong influence on perceived privacy protection toward mobile shopping continuance intention. Perceived protection was one of the key determinants of her study.

The espoused cultural value of long-term orientation, where the inclination is to plan for the future, exerts a direct impact on mobile shopping continuance intention for the Chinese mobile shoppers.

Using a US sample of 656 and a Chinese sample of 866, the practical implications were that cultural orientation will continue to differ among countries. There was also evidence on the dynamic roles of espoused cultural values in determining individual continuance decision processing.

Professor Dr June Wei has a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University and has more than 100 publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings. The journals include Electronic Commerce Research, Information Technology, Journal of Computer Information Systems and Journal of Database Management.

She is also the Senior Editor of the International Journal of Mobile Communications, and Editor in Chief of the Electronic Government: An International Journal, and the International Journal of Electronic Finance

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