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Tan Yan Ni |  

BSC (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition, Northumbria University, United Kingdom.

The environment in Newcastle is very nice and clean. The people there are quite friendly and helpful. However, the weather is quite unfriendly and unpredictable, and changes quickly (it may be raining now, and stops within the next 10 minutes).  Although June is usually summer month, yet we still feel cold, especially at night. Some said that the UK has only two weeks of summer, which means, there are only two weeks to wear jacket or coat within that summer period.

To be honest, the learning environment at Northumbria University is totally different from that of UCSI. In the beginning, I was not so used to studying there due to the British accent. Also, we were more focused on individual coursework. I think it is a better way to apply knowledge on coursework instead of just remembering all the things that has been taught which may be easily forgotten after exam.

Yes, IUCC helped me a lot actually. I have to say thank you to IUCC, especially to Jasveen. She did helped me a lot; she would always suggest to me which is the best choice for me, even when I was still deliberating whether to travel to UK, Australia, or Canada for my transfer programme, she was there. She would give me a hand if I didn't know how to settle the accommodations or help me in the purchase of my flight tickets, those kinds of problems. She showed a lot of concerns towards me when I was at UK. She is very nice and caring. I still remember when I was told I might not be able to study in the 2nd year of my degree because I failed one subject, I was crying at that time, she was there for me and gave me a lot of encouragement like I shouldn’t give up so soon that there will always be other ways to solving these problems. She had too much confident on me, she believed I could make it and to God be the glory, just like she predicted, I finally made it through. I felt so glad that she had been helping me all the way. Thank you Jasveen!

Other than that, there is another counsellor that I would like to thank, she is Nina by name. (Although I’m not so sure about her name, but I think she is an Indian lady and she worked in Mid Valley office). She did helped me a lot as well. Before going to UK, she came to UCSI and offered some advice to us, with brief explanation about the lifestyle in UK including the cost of living, Newcastle's life tips, safe places where we should purchase items, and places to visit, how we should take train/bus to other cities). I really appreciate her for what she did for me; which made things easier after we’ve arrived in the country. Anyway, UCSI’s IUCC is quite useful and helpful to guiding students. The only thing UCSI need to improve on is, if the release of results can be a little bit earlier as possible would be nice, especially for those students who are going to do a transfer programme, so they don’t get delayed by their visa due to late release of result.

Wong Fu Hou |  

Master in Science (Biotechnology)

The best part of my Master program had taught me a lot of knowledge that not only in theory part and also improved my scientific knowledge and research skills. In my research project which using a molecular technique to identify bacteria in the water of Aquaponics. From this research, it has opportunities for me to apply the theory learned from the lecture to generate new knowledge through research.  The lectures also are very high quality and share their expert knowledge during the lecture.

This course also helps me to improve my scientific writing in journals. Be a researcher, research not only to gained knowledge for self-satisfaction, it also needs to publish to share the research knowledge to the community to let other researcher or reader learn together and improve better for future. 

Abbirami Balachandran |  

Master of Science (MSc) Biotechnology

Personally, this course has guided me in carving my career path as a budding researcher. Not only it has dramatically improved my scientific skills and knowledge, I was able to expand my network with other internal and external lecturers through lectures. As a researcher, I have learned through this programme that without networking, the research field would not be what it is today. Each lecture in this programme was taught by experts in their respective fields and were of high quality. Apart from this, the valuable group discussions that I had during these lectures have driven me to indulge further into research.

The major highlight of my MSc programme has been the research community at UCSI University. The research team consisting of lecturers and senior PhD and MSc students were always selfless when it comes to assisting any student in ways to enhance their development. I had the opportunity to obtain feedback of my research from various members of the team and not only are they warm and welcoming but their inputs have allowed me to improve the quality of my research. In my opinion, perseverance is the key to becoming a sound researcher and UCSI has made it possible for me to achieve my goals effortlessly.

Wan Pik Ki |  

Master in Applied Science, By Research

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Those are the words that push me to who I am today. It is definitely not an easy road when I decided to further my study and to step out of my comfort zone. It is true on the saying “no pain, no gain!” Throughout my master degree in UCSI University, I have learned to be independent and never give up. I experienced many failures and do not get the results I wanted. Likewise, I learned to strive further, do more literature studies and solve the problems I encountered. I am grateful for all the opportunities given to me by my supervisor and the university, where I get to participate in many scientific conferences (international and national), research symposiums and scientific talks. All these opportunities have shaped me to do better in research and improve my communication skills. Besides that, working in a sharing lab with other postgraduate candidates also enhances my knowledge and thinking ability as I get to share and exchange ideas with my lab colleagues. Also, I am thankful to especially my supervisor, Dr. Grrace Ng (UCSI University) and my co-supervisors, Dr. John Lan (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan) and Dr. Yim (UCSI University) for their continuous guidance, advices and encouragement during my master study. They constantly provide me useful and practical voice of notes and guide me to the right directions. Lastly, it is definitely not just about the knowledge that I’ve gained throughout my master degree in UCSI University, but also the experiences and opportunities that were given to me thus far to make my 2 years master degree a worthwhile, yet, memorable one. 

Bo Zhuang Mian |  

MSc. Applied Sciences, by Research

The best part of my MSc programme has been the research opportunities available where I had the chance to involve in every part of the study, for instance, act as liaison between study sponsors, study subjects and members of the research team, purchasing study materials, designing study protocol, collecting samples and perform laboratory analysis. These experiences equipped me with the important technical knowledge and interpersonal skills, which have given me the confidence to embark in new challenges and prepared me for the future working environment. Besides, scholarships and funding to attend and present at conferences are readily available which allowed me to have access to higher education without worries. Lastly, the great supervisions from lecturers have stretched my experiences and abilities and positively influenced who I am today. 


Foundation in Arts

My fondest memories are UCSI’s lecturers. They made a big impact in my studies by encouraging and providing guidance selflessly. This is what makes UCSI different than the rest.


Foundation in Science

UCSI hooked me up with some of the best companies out there. The experience I obtained was invaluable and it motivated me to pursue a career in science and research. I’m really proud to be part of this family and community.

Gan Li Yi |  

BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

Currently I'm working at Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad, a well-known multinational company, which focuses on paediatric nutrition and consumer products. As a Nutritional Executive under the Marketing Department, I represent the company by delivering product presentations and building relationships with healthcare professionals or key decision makers.

Apart from that, I also initiate and organise sales/marketing activities in line with the field approach with the aim of achieving sales objectives. Expanding and maintaining good relationships with the respective healthcare professionals to promote my company's range of products is also part of my responsibility.

The most memorable part of my undergraduate studies at UCSI was the Co-Operative Education Training Programme (Co-Op) as we learned different skills and knowledge that we would not have learned after three years of theoretical studies alone. Furthermore, the experience gained during the six months of Co-Op programme is valuable and priceless; it helped prepare us before we entered the real corporate life.

Kong Lei Quan |  

BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

I am currently a Trade Event Executive for Apex Pharmacy Marketing. In my role, I work for Nestlé Healthcare Nutrition and I plan and organise healthcare events/roadshows in the trade channel. I also support medical events explaining to healthcare professionals the healthcare products Nestlé has to offer that benefit their patients.

Besides that, I am also involved in creating new trade marketing strategies to bring brand awareness to the public and conduct small talks now and then regarding nutrition to the public.

Studying at UCSI, my most memorable experience was participating in the Applied Science Week Food Fair. It was not just selling store-bought food - my friends and I had to come up with an idea for a new type of food/snack which is healthy and is not already found in the market. I made new friends, got closer to my course mates and learned what it means to have good teamwork. This had definitely contributed in improving my soft skills.

Soh Eu Ying |  

Food Science and Nutrition

Soh Eu Ying is an Account Specialist of Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn. Bhd. She is attached to the Established Pharmaceutical Department (EPD) which specialises in women's health products. "I am accountable for sales targeting, conducting needs analysis and for the closing of sales on targeted strategic account customers, as well as ensuring the sales are profitable and within the market goals of EPD," she said.

"I am also responsible to raise the level of awareness within healthcare professionals and increase the demand of the women health product line," she added. She then said, "I am required to maintain an active and visible role with healthcare professionals and retailers in order to facilitate pull-through programmes to increase their awareness. My main job is to grow Abbott women's health business and brand loyalty within strategic accounts besides maximizing the growth of market share."

Although these Food Science and Nutrition students were from three different intakes, they share some similarities in their profiles. Their final year projects were on natural product chemistry and they have publications in international refereed journals. The skills, knowledge and experience gained from the Co-Operative Education Training Programme (Co-Op) have been most useful in enabling them to be employed even before they graduate. These three students are testimonials of the educational excellence at UCSI University. The Faculty of Applied Sciences wishes them all the best in their promising careers.