Career talk by Honda Logistics

UCSI’s Logistic Student Association (LSA) with support from Department of Logistics Management recently invited Muhammad Nabil Fikri (Assistant Manager of Production Planning) from Honda Logistics Malaysia Sdn Bhd for a career talk. The initiative of this career talk was to encourage students to get closer to the industry and relate theory with the practical.

Students from logistics programmes including the Diploma in Logistics Management, BA (Hons) Logistics Management and BA (Hons) Supply Chain Operations Management were the main target audience for this career talk. The event started with a welcoming speech by Steven, the CEO of UCSI Extension. The career talk was attended by 45 participants.

It can be challenging to transition from university students to working professionals for soon-to-be graduates. Trading in the days of thesis papers, library study sessions and daily classes for a full-time office job is a big change, and students who haven't worked in this type of environment before may not be fully prepared for the shift, especially transitioning into a high work load job such as logisticians or supply chain managers.

Thus, as future logisticians, students have to prepare themselves sufficiently before diving into the workforce as they play an important role in the industrial world. It is necessary to understand the current state of logistics distribution management, which involves various modes of transport. Global shipping trends are changing, vessel and terminal sizes are also evolving.

During the career talk, Muhammad Nabil Fikri shared his experiences in the logistics industry especially in terms of helping students transition from student life to a full time working job. He also introduced the Honda company to students so that they could have a better understanding of this company and grab the opportunity of being selected as an intern.

The session also included a sharing session on Honda logistics. He shared a few facts on how Honda handles their supply chain. After that, students were active in the Q&A session. The speaker answered most of the questions with satisfactory replies. Finally, the event ended with a token of appreciation awarded to Muhammad Nabil Fikri by the LSA president, Jess Choong.

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